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Отчет ИВМ СО РАН за 2017 год

Список публикаций

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Публикации Scopus (29)

  1. Voldko O., Kompaniets L., Gavrilova L. Analysis of the velocity profile in lake shira in summer using principal component analysis // International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, Sgem. — 2017. — Vol. 17, issue 31. — P. 831–838. — DOI 10.5593/sgem2017/31/S15.105.
  2. Kompaniets L. A., Volodko O. S., Gavrilova L. V. Analysis of vertical distribution of speed in lake shira on the basis of data processing of long-Term measurements in summer period // Ceur Workshop Proceedings. — 2017. — Vol. 2033. — P. 202–206
  3. Nicheporchuk V. V., Chernyakova N. A. Application of data infrastructure for estimation of emergency risks // Ceur Workshop Proceedings. — 2017. — Vol. 2033. — P. 280–284
  4. Kononov D., Isaev S. Development of extended path-based role access control model for web applications // Ceur Workshop Proceedings. — 2017. — Vol. 1839. — P. 166–173
  5. Cadena L., Cadena F., Kruglyakov A., Simonov K., Kapsargin F. Diagnostics of Complex Phenomena on the Basis of Geometrical Analysis Images // Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. — 2017. — Vol. 2227. — P. 401–404
  6. Kochnev V. A. Dynamo models created on the planets under the influence of tidal forces of the satellite and the sun // International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, Sgem. — 2017. — Vol. 17, issue 62. — P. 899–906. — DOI 10.5593/sgem2017/62/S28.115.
  7. Lapko A. V., Lapko V. A., Yuronen E. A. Effectiveness comparison of sampling methods of a range of values of a two-dimensional random value at probability density estimation // 2017 International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications, Sibcon 2017 — Proceedings. — 2017. — Art. nr. 7998533. — DOI 10.1109/SIBCON.2017.7998533.
  8. Bodyakin E., Peretokin S., Simonov K. Evaluation of seismic hazard using seismic microzonation techniques // Ceur Workshop Proceedings. — 2017. — Vol. 1839. — P. 16-25
  9. Ryzhkov I. I., Lebedev D. V., Solodovnichenko V. S., Shiverskiy A. V., Simunin M. M., Parfenov V. A. Experimental and modelling study of ionic selectivity in carbon coated alumina nanofiber membranes // Chemical Engineering Transactions. — 2017. — Vol. 60. — P. 253–258. — DOI 10.3303/CET1760043.
  10. Tarasov B., Guzev M., Sadovskiy V., Losev A. Fan-hinged shear as a unique mechanism of dynamic shear ruptures // Solid State Phenomena. — 2017. — Vol. 258 SSP. — P. 165–168. — DOI 10.4028/www.scientific.net/SSP.258.165.
  11. Andrianova A. V., Yakubaylik O. E. Geospatial database for the analysis of invasive process of the baikal endemic crustacean in yenisei river // Ceur Workshop Proceedings. — 2017. — Vol. 2033. — P. 237–241
  12. Sadovsky M. G., Ostylovsky A. N. How to detect topology of a manifold to approximate multidimensional data // Applied Methods of Statistical Analysis. — 2017. — P. 204–210
  13. Korobko A. V., Korobko A. A., Yakubaylik T. V. Information modeling of temporal spatial data for ecological monitoring of the krasnoyarsk reservoir // Ceur Workshop Proceedings. — 2017. — Vol. 2033. — P. 319–323
  14. Chesnokov A. A., Yu Liapidevskii V., Stepanova I. V. Kinematic-wave model of viscous fingers with mixing layer // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2017. — Vol. 894, issue 1. — Art. nr. 12107. — DOI 10.1088/1742–6596/894/1/012107.
  15. Smolekho I., Sadovskaya O., Sadovskii V. Numerical analysis of acoustic waves in a liquid crystal taking into account couple-stress interaction // Ceur Workshop Proceedings. — 2017. — Vol. 1839. — P. 473–486
  16. Stepanova I. V. On some group properties of heat and mass transfer equations // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2017. — Vol. 894, issue 1. — Art. nr. 12090. — DOI 10.1088/1742–6596/894/1/012090.
  17. Andreev V. On the inverse problem of a creeping motion in thin layers // Ceur Workshop Proceedings. — 2017. — Vol. 1839. — P. 258–270
  18. Sadovskii V. On thermodynamically consistent form of nonlinear equations of the cosserat theory // Engineering Transactions. — 2017. — Vol. 65, issue 1. — P. 201–208
  19. Evsyukov A. A. Online analitical processing of spatial data for emergency monitoring // Ceur Workshop Proceedings. — 2017. — Vol. 2033. — P. 180–184
  20. Korobko A., Nozhenkova L. Ordered multidimensional model construction of relational source for integral OLAP-modeling // Application of Information and Communication Technologies, Aict 2016 — Conference Proceedings. — 2017. — Art. nr. 7991670. — DOI 10.1109/ICAICT.2016.7991670.
  21. Kadochnikov A. A. Software and technological support of satellite environmental monitoring system // Ceur Workshop Proceedings. — 2017. — Vol. 2033. — P. 271–274
  22. Bekezhanova V. B., Goncharova O. N. Study of the convective fluid flows with evaporation on the basis of the exact solution in a three-dimensional infinite channel // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2017. — Vol. 899, issue 3. — Art. nr. 32006. — DOI 10.1088/1742–6596/899/3/032006.
  23. Kamenshchikov L., Krasnov I. Supercomputer modeling of stochastic dynamics of the mercury ion array in an optical lattice // Ceur Workshop Proceedings. — 2017. — Vol. 1839. — P. 324–333
  24. Zavoruev V. V., Zavorueva E. N. The concentration of PM10 in the atmospheric surface layer of Krasnoyarsk in the period of unfavorable meteorological conditions // Proceedings of Spie — The International Society For Optical Engineering. — 2017. — Vol. 10466. — Art. nr. 1046673. — DOI 10.1117/12.2288754.
  25. Andreev V. K., Cheremnykh E. N. The unidirectional motion of two heat-conducting liquids in a flat channel // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2017. — Vol. 894, issue 1. — Art. nr. 12106. — DOI 10.1088/1742–6596/894/1/012106.
  26. Bekezhanova V. B., Goncharova O. N. Three-dimensional thermocapillary flow regimes with evaporation // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2017. — Vol. 894, issue 1. — Art. nr. 12023. — DOI 10.1088/1742–6596/894/1/012023.
  27. Panchenko M. V., Domysheva V. M., Pestunov D. A., Sakirko M. V., Usoltseva M. V., Popovskaya G. I., Titova L. A., Shimaraev M. N., Shamrin A. M., Zavoruev V. V. Vertical profile of fluorescent characteristics in Baikal water in the spring period of 2010–2016 // Proceedings of Spie — The International Society For Optical Engineering. — 2017. — Vol. 10466. — Art. nr. 1046652. — DOI 10.1117/12.2284908.
  28. Yakubaylik O. E., Kadochnikov A. A., Tokarev A. V. Web technologies for the geoinformation system of rapid assessment of atmospheric pollution and climatic conditions in krasnoyarsk // Ceur Workshop Proceedings. — 2017. — Vol. 2033. — P. 44-48
  29. Krushenko G. G. Welding aluminium alloys with nanobeam electrodes // Welding International. — 2017. — Vol. 31, issue 5. — P. 394–398. — DOI 10.1080/09507116.2016.1263463.
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