Отдел Вычислительной физики Список публикаций за 1989 год (5) - Kazantsev A. P. and Krasnov I. V. Rectification effect of a radiation force, J. Opt.Soc.Am.B6, pp.2140–2148, 1989.
- Kazantsev A. P. and Krasnov I. V. Interference phenomena and radiative force rectification effect, Zh. Eksp.Teor.Fiz.95, pp.104–114, Jan. 1989 (Sov.Phys.JETPH, 68, pp.59-69, 1989).
- Krasnov I. V., Shaparev N. Ya., Shkedov I. M. Optimal laser action, «Nauka», Siberian Division, 1989
- Denisenko V. V. The distortion of near-axis magnetic field as a result of small deformation of solenoid geometry [in Russian]. Electricity. No. 2, P. 82-85, 1989.
- Denisenko V. V. Variation methods for elliptical boundary value problems, that describe transfer-processes with non-symmetrical matrix coefficients. J. of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. No. 3, P. 69-75, 1989.