Отдел Вычислительной физики Список публикаций за 1994 год (4) - Krasnov I. V. Effect of rectifying the radiative force and kinetics of atoms in strong bichromatic fields, Laser Phys, 4, pp.905–921, Sept.-Oct., 1994.
- Erkaev N. V., Mezentsev A. V., Denisenko V. V. Zamay S. S. and Troshichev O. A. Electric field generation at the magnetospheric boundary for northward IMF. J. Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics. V. 56, P. 153–166, 1994.
- Denisenko V. V. A boundary value problem for an elliptic equation in two variables with asymmetric tensor coefficients. Siberian Mathematical Journal. V. 35, No. 3, P. 495–505, 1994.
- Denisenko V. V. Multigrid method for solution of two-dimensional elliptic boundary value problems, that describe transfer processes with nonsymmetric tensor coefficient. [in Russian] Mathematical Modelling. V. 6, No. 2, P.34-46, 1994.